Bye Bye Miss American Pie
Bye Bye Miss American Pie Part One (Note: This is a researched and referenced work. All Statements here are referenced and all references are linked, and marked with a * marked in white! Additional documentation is available in the form of the books pictured and the videos in the left sidebar.) Additional Info from the Library of Congress. My continuing personal Autobiography here online. Excerpts from my forthcoming NOVEL ![]() Foreword Follow me through my journey of self-discovery as I uncover my past, which had defined my previous American life, and started me on a new road far removed from American shores. At 16, I began to research the history of Germany after the war and the Dark Side of American History. I began to uncover secrets kept from the American people. What I uncovered gave me the incentive to relearn my German Immigrant roots. The results of my discoveries are contained here ..... ![]() Ellis Island circa 1957 Immigration Point New York City When I started this work I knew most of my readers would be American. Americans just are not interesting anymore to Europeans. The dollar keeps loosing to the stronger Euro, and many can now afford to live the party life. The middle class is strong. Union representation and work contracts are the norm. Credit cards are 4%-5%. Most have six weeks paid vacations, and universal health care, and numerous other social benefits. Thousands of beers and wines and gourmet foods, and ongoing festivals, and numerous holidays make most content. Europeans know Americans. They know our politics, and millions have traveled the USA (90% have passports; *19% of Americans do. American movies, and music, and culture have been part of the European scene for over 50 years; blues and jazz since the 1930's. Yet only 9% of Americans speak a foreign language. In Germany, and Holland, in Denmark and Sweden, in Austria and beyond, English is the second language. The truth is that Americans since the 1970's have become less engaged with the world in general. While the world was turning into a global village, the average American was moving to the suburbs, and up to now had tuned the world out. Because of America's pre-eminent position in world affairs, and its role in globalization, its foreign policy matters more than any other country. How can America shape a responsible foreign policy with such an uninformed electorate? Are things different now? As the new Europe had emerged, I started writing. America is at war again, and the Republicans are taking from the poor and giving to the rich again. The military budget is now over *710 billion dollars a year. Medical benefits, school lunch programs, education, every American *entitlement is being stripped to the bone to pay for war. Hundreds of thousands of Veterans no longer receive benefits - (reclassified), and 47 million Americans have no health care. The American *Savings Rate is now lower than during the Great Depression of 1929. One illness, one accident, one incident in court and most Americans will be history and wiped out. Yes, we are pitied now and no longer held in high esteem. The Military Industrial Complex Now Big oil and the military industrial complex are profiting as never before. The difference between what U.S. citizens think their rulers are doing in the world and what these rulers actually are doing is one of the great propaganda achievements of history. In reality, the overriding goal of U.S. policy is to make the world ever safer and more profitable for the Fortune 500 Corporations and international finance capital. See the Video *The Rise of the Military-Industrial Complex -- Video Documentary Other References *Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit *The Living Reality of Military-Economic Fascism Dulles-Bush Dynasty helped fund the NAZI Military Industrial complex Uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush and his "enemy national" partners. Prescott Bush also led a group called the American Liberty League in a treasonous conspiracy with JP Morgan and the DuPont family. He tried to overthrow the U.S. government. Also involved in the Funding of the NAZI war machine were Eugenics champions Ford...and Brown Brothers Harrimen. The Dulles Bros. were international finance specialists for the powerful Wall Street law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell... Alan Dulles went on to become head of the CIA... and John Foster Dulles went on to become secretary of state! ![]() Back To the Future This generation of Americans are not mine of the 1960's. They are more easily manipulated and fooled then we were during the ten years of Vietnam, and now after 15 years of the Iraq War and an eventual war cost that will be 2 Trillion before its all over, they seem to be finally waking up after most of the Constitution has been trashed, and the Bill of Rights is just old paper. The *doomsday clock is again set at five minutes to midnight, just as it was during the cold war. It is the 1960's again, or worse. I was six years old when we left Germany back in the late 1950's. I remember my father selling his worldly goods just to book passage on the Queen Elizabeth 1 back then, outbound from Hamburg, Germany to Ellis Island, New York *as millions of Germans had done for generations. This is the beginning of this autobiography and I will just hit some main points for now ... I remember sleeping on restaurant floors in Germany on our travel to Hamburg. I remember some stuffed ice bears in Hamburg, and I remember being sea sick on the two week sea voyage to the USA. I remember my German shepherd Hasso that used to pull my sister and me on the sled in winter, and I remember him every breakfast morning going to the baker in the village with a bread basket hung around his neck and bringing back to the family table warm rolls for us to feast on. I also remember the French officers that quartered in our 1920's home, since my part of Germany was under French occupation. ![]() I remember one day when one of these Frenchies slapped me for not getting out of his way in time and Hasso attacked him and was about to be shot but my grandmother stood in the way. But all these childhood memories remained buried as we reached New York and faced a new life in a new world. America was just too big, and life was too fast, and the people were all in such a hurry. Back then you had to have a sponsor and a skilled trade that was in demand to immigrate to the USA. Your health was checked, as was your family background, and you had to have a job and references. Nothing was left to chance, because the new country did not want freeloaders. America wanted people to assimilate and become part not apart of the society. And then as now, Americans were not comfortable with a foreign language spoken in their midst. 94% of Americans Classify Themselves Not As A m e r i c a n Only However, my young eyes did not interpret the facts as they really were, for America is a land of immigrants and the facts are not as they seemed. (The various ethnic and racial origins of the residents and immigrants remain important sources of personal identity. Of the 224 million people reporting their ancestry in the 1990 census, only 13 million, or 6 percent, identified themselves as Americans only. The rest chose one or more broad racial or linguistic groupings (such as African American or Hispanic) or national heritages (German, English, Irish, and Italian were most common) to define their origins. Most Americans possess varied national, ethnic, and racial identities that reflect both the origins of their ancestors and their own affiliation to the United States.) America was more successful in expanding and winning wars and conquering territory. America had never known defeat, and she was the big victor in the big war. Everything was red, white and blue in every city, in every town, in every state. It was 1957. It was uncomfortable being a German kid not knowing English in an American school. Especially living in a small American town where most of my classmates were sons and daughters of farmers; the most conservative group of Americans. ![]() Luckily I was in a catholic school and my teachers were *Franciscan nuns. In those days the classes were run by the iron fist of those nuns, and each hand had a stick in it, and if you did not behave as expected you got whacked. I had a significant advantage over my parents, because being a child and growing up in America I never developed an accent and could speak American English like a native - a fact that helped me tremendously in my future. On American television all you could see were German war movies and German hate films. That is really how I learned English. Against the German People At 16 I began to research the history of Germany after the war and to uncover secrets kept from the American people. What I uncovered gave me the incentive to relearn my German language and my German culture ..... died in American captivity after surrender (1945) "Starting in April 1945, the United States Army and the French Army casually annihilated one million [German] men, (POW's - prisoners of war,) most of them in American camps . . . Eisenhower's hatred, passed through the lens of a compliant military bureaucracy, produced the horror of death camps unequalled by anything in American history . . . an enormous war crime." -- Col. Ernest F. Fisher, PhD Lt. 101 st Airborne Division, Senior Historian, United States Army How three to six million Germans died after VE Day After the Reich discusses the murder of at least three million Germans, primarily women, children, and the elderly, after VE day. In actual fact, at least another 3 to 6 millions Germans perished in the East long before VE Day: they were murdered, raped, and ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homeland in what was central and eastern areas of Germany. This Holocaust of millions of innocent Germans, of course, has received little of the attention of the the Jewish Holocaust. Most people are not even aware of the massive atrocities against the German people at the end of the Second World War. The months that followed May 1945 brought no peace to the shattered skeleton of Hitler’s Reich, but suffering even worse than the destruction wrought by the war. After the atrocities that the Nazis had visited on Europe, some degree of justified vengeance by their victims was inevitable, but the appalling bestialities that MacDonogh documents so soberly went far beyond that. While German soldiers from the British and Canadian zones were quickly regaining strength and were helping rebuild Europe, Germans taken by the Americans were dying by the hundreds of thousands - emaciated figures in diarrhea smeared clothing, huddling pitifully in watery holes with perhaps a scrap of cardboard over their heads and a rotten potato for supper. At times many of them were reduced to drinking urine and eating grass. Did all this happen because of one supremely unprincipled and influential man named Eisenhower? Or was Ike in turn influenced by a small circle around him or by his superiors in Washington? Historians will be probing this question for decades to come. ![]() Reference "Since the end of the war about 3,000,000 people, mostly women and children and overaged men, have been killed in eastern Germany and south-eastern Europe; about 15,000,000 (15 million) people have been deported or had to flee from their homesteads and are on the road. Reference About 25 per cent of these people, over 3,000,000 have perished. About 4,000,000 men and women have been deported to eastern Europe and Russia as slaves. It seems that the elimination of the German population of eastern Europe - at least 15,000,000 people (15 million) - was planned in accordance with decisions made at Yalta. Churchill had said ... "Don't mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them: they will cease to exist." Quoted by Sen. Homer Capehart in speech before U.S. Senate, Feb. 5, 1946. Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction. Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps. The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his column on September 12,1989 the following, in part: " is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theater during war." "For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW's on the Russians. Until now, no one dug too deeply ... Witnesses and survivors have been interviewed by the author; one Allied officer compared the American camps to Buchenwald." It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these men food, were denied. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in the European Theater to release significant numbers of Germans. Others, such as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on May 15th. The Air War No war in U.S. history claimed more civilian lives than the war against Germany. The death toll from both atomic bombs used against Japan does not equal the death toll from the fire and phosphorous bombs used against Germany. (These bombs created a firestorm that was so intense, German civilians were baked alive in their basement bomb shelters.) ... The German civilians who were burned alive in our bombing raids were no more likely to be Nazis than the Afghani civilians who've been hit by U.S. missiles are likely to be Taliban sympathizers. In our bombing of Germany, heavily populated civilian districts were intentionally targeted. The idea was that by targeting the civilian population, we would disrupt Germany's economy, destroy the morale of its citizens and create chaos by rendering millions of people homeless. Low-income areas were especially targeted for destruction because the population was denser and the buildings closer together. In February 1942, Allied bombers were specifically instructed to concentrate on built-up residential areas instead of targets such as dockyards and factories. Hamburg on July 27, 1943--when 739 Allied bombers killed 50,000 people mostly women, children and elderly people. High Capacity bombs were used and accuracy was not important - these bombs were designed for blowing the tiles off the roofs of buildings so that the smaller 4 lb (1.8 kg) incendiary bombs could reach the building interiors. According to historian Sven Lindquist, author of A History of Bombing, “The British air attacks on Hamburg killed more people than all German air attacks against English cities put together.” It was a brutal way to win a war - and it worked like a charm. By the war's end, more than 2.3 million German civilians were dead, about one-third of them killed in air raids (60,000 of these air raid victims were not even Germans; they were foreign laborers, including Jews). American Attitude Towards Rescuing Jews The attitude of the U.S. government toward rescuing European Jews was best summed up by R. Borden Reams of the State Department’s Division of European Affairs in May 1943. “While in theory, any approach to the German government would have met with blank refusal, there is always the danger that the German government might turn over to the United States and to Great Britain a large number of Jewish refugees,” Reams said. “In the event of our admission of inability to take care of these people, the onus for continued persecution would have been largely transferred from the German government to [the Allies.]” This reflected the anti-Semitism widespread within the U.S. and British governments American Refusal To Sign "Laws of War" Treaties The United States has been particularly reluctant to sign treaties addressing the "laws of war". It has refused to sign The Declaration on the Prohibition of the Use of Thermo-Nuclear Weapons (1961); The Resolution on the Non-Use of Force in International Relations and Permanent Ban on the Use of Nuclear Weapons (1972); The Resolution on the Definition of Aggression (1974); Protocols Additional to the 1949 Geneva Convention (1977); and the Declaration on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons(1989) Equally disturbing was the U.S. refusal to sign the Convention on Rights of the Child, introduced into the United Nations General assembly on November 20, 1989 and subsequently ratified by 191 countries. Since World War II the US has bombed twenty-three nations. Author William Blum notes: "It is sobering to reflect that in our era of instant world wide communications, the United States has, on many occasions, been able to mount a large or small scale military operation or undertake other equally blatant forms of intervention without the American public being aware of it until years later if ever." Early Years When I was born, Germany had been divided into four occupation zones; the Soviets held the eastern part, the British the northwestern, the Americans the southeast, and the French held the southwest corridor. The occupation would continue this way for about 50 years. I started life in the French occupied (blue) zone in the Southwest across from Switzerland. At that time many of the French occupation troops were blacks from French Africa. Most of my area was either heavily forested or had deep valleys and rolling farm land. Going Cuckoo Father and grandfather had a cuckoo clock shop in the basement, and in those early years after the war, making cuckoo clocks was the mainstay of the family, that allowed us to survive and build up a business. The entire family was involved. Even today, original Black Forest German cuckoo clocks are not manufactured as a mass produced clock, but as hand-assembled masterpieces. To achieve the highest quality is the goal. Wood-carvings and clock cases are produced only in the Black Forest and thus are known around the world for their quality workmanship First step – where everything starts – is the wood which is used for the clocks. Most of the cuckoo clocks are made of Linden Tree. Those trees with their heart-shaped leaves are quite common in Europe and their wood can be used very well for carvings. After the trees are cut down the wood is pilled up and needs years to rest. Then the chances that the wood will move are low. The wood will be cut into appropriate pieces corresponding to the size of the clock. The basic pieces which are coming out of the sharper are checked carefully to avoid cracks or irregularities within the wood. Before the clock is assembled all pieces are finished in different working steps. In the meantime the inner life of the cuckoo clocks will be assembled. The different movements and the fine mechanics which will give live to the cuckoo and the dancing figurines on the front side of the clock will be put together. This requires a lot of subtle intuition due to the small and fragile parts used. The metal parts used within the clock are also done mostly by hand – for sure there is some support by machines but the work needs really a lot of experience. The following link *Cuckoo Clock Manufacturing process shows how it was done. Propaganda At the Top American Foreign Aid Myths I like most Americans, have always been a sucker for government propaganda. My research brought me to another example of one that the American people have swallowed for over 50 years. This strategy was and is still being used in the current Iraq adventure. The Myth of the Marshall Plan that Saved Western Europe Here is the standard American Government propaganda ... Summer 1947 Europe, still devastated by the war, had just survived one of the worst winters on record. Something had to be done, both for humanitarian reasons and also to stop the potential spread of communism westward. The United States offered up to $20 billion for relief, but only if the European nations could get together and draw up a rational plan on how they would use the aid. The Marshall Plan benefited the American economy as well. The money would be used to buy goods from the United States, and they had to be shipped across the Atlantic on American merchant vessels. But it worked. By 1953 the United States had pumped in $13 billion, and Europe was standing on its feet again. Moreover, the Plan included West Germany, which was thus reintegrated into the European community. Here Are the Standard Marshall Plan Propaganda sites ... *For European Recovery:The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan *Marshall Plan Home Page *The Marshall Plan 1947-1952 The Reality As economist Tyler Cowen has noted, the countries that received the most Marshall Plan money (allies Britain, Sweden, and Greece) grew the slowest between 1947 and 1955, while those that received the least money (axis powers Germany, Austria, and Italy) grew the most. In terms of post-war prosperity, then, it eventually paid to be a political enemy of the U.S. instead of a "beneficiary" of international charity. But the real upshot of the Marshall Plan was a political maneuver to loot American taxpayers to keep influential American corporations on the government dole. The Plan's legacy was the perpetual use of foreign aid for domestic political and economic purposes. After the war ended, Harry Truman's popularity in the polls began to plummet, as did the prestige of government generally. The American people had made huge sacrifices to fight the war and now wanted curbs in government, which had been administering a centrally planned economy. Most of all, they wanted the foreign policy recommended by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson: trade with all, entanglements with none. In the mainstream of thinking was Republican Senator Robert Taft, a hero of all free-market activists at the time. He demanded tax cuts, spending cuts, and an end to "constantly increasing interference with family life and with business by autocratic government bureaus and autocratic labor leaders." The Republican party swept midterm elections in 1946, taking back the Congress on a hard-core, anti-big government platform. Truman had to do something big and he knew it. As Charles Mee reports, he needed "some large program that would let him recapture the initiative, something big enough to enable him to gather in all the traditional factions of the Democratic Party and also some middle-of-the-road Republicans, and at the same time, something that would hamper the Republican phalanx," and establish him as a world leader. The issue was right before him: foreign aid, funneled through the corporate establishment and cloaked in the rhetoric of opposition to foreign (but not domestic) communism. Cynically, he would make good use of Russia, which only the day before had been our gallant ally in the war, and transform it into a monster that had to be destroyed. By stealing the Republican's anti-socialist rhetoric, Truman hoped to frazzle his opponents and make himself a hero on the world stage. A little-known business group, founded in 1942 and called the Committee for Economic Development, was elevated into a think tank for a new international order--the economic counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations. The Committee's founders were the heads of the top steel, automotive, and electric industries who had benefited from the New Deal's corporatist stateism. Its membership overlapped with the farther left National Planning Association, which was unabashedly national socialist in ideological orientation. These groups understood that they owed their profit margins to government subsidies provided by the New Deal and wartime production subsidies. Faced with post-war peace, they feared a future in which they would be forced to compete on a free-market basis. Their personal and institutional security was at stake, so they got busy dreaming up strategies to sustain a profitable stateism in a peacetime economy. Corporate economic interests, then, overlapped with Truman's political interests, and an unholy alliance between business and government was born. They would use Europe's miseries to line their own pockets in the name of "rebuilding" and providing "security" against trumped-up threats to American security. Most of all, the aid was used for purchases at distorted prices by American tax dollars in the hands of European governments. The mad scramble for tax dollars was a disgrace to behold, creating a low point in U.S. business history. Time and again, Congress intervened to grant corporate America what it really wanted: restrictions that forced Marshall aid to go to purchases of American oil, aluminum, wood, textiles, and machines. The aid was also used to directly subsidize particular firms in recipient countries, whether or not there were viable markets for their products. Instead, the firms received money because their continued existence would artificially support "full employment" policies. And since American labor union groups were intimately involved in choosing who got the money, the lion's share went to companies with closed union shops, paradoxically restricting the ability of labor markets to readjust to new economic realities. All told, the Marshall Plan dumped $13 billion, or nearly $100 billion in today's dollars. It was enough to firmly entrench American companies in European markets, especially in Britain, France, and Germany. American-controlled companies dominated industries such as shoes, milk, cereals, machines, cars, canned goods, petroleum refinement, locks and keys, printing, tires, soaps, clocks, farm machinery, and much more. A year after the Marshall Plan began sucking private capital out of the economy, the U.S. fell into recession, precisely the opposite of what its proponents predicted. Meanwhile, the aid did not help Europe. What reconstructed Europe was the post-Marshall freeing up of controlled prices, keeping inflation in check, and curbing union power that is, the free market The actual legacy of the Marshall Plan was a vast expansion of government at home, the beginnings of the Cold War rhetoric that would sustain the welfare-warfare state for 40 years, a permanent global troop presence, and an entire business class on the take from Washington. It also created a belief on the part of the ruling elite in D.C. that it could trick the public into backing anything, including the idea that government and its connected interest groups should run the world at taxpayer expense. |